I have known the Neary family for over 20 years now so not only was this an opportunity to photograph them again but also a chance to catch up with the family members who I haven’t seen in a while. Grant and his family are off to Australia so this was the last moment for everyone to be together in some family photos. It was a tricky shoot as there were a lot of small children and to have them all in a good mood and on their best behaviour all at the same time was asking a lot. We did what we could and it was actually fun capturing the groups where one child was looking away or adults looking at the smiling kids etc. That was the way it happened and it added to the whole feel of each pic. At the end it was time to stop with the formal group pics and let all the kids run around so I stood back and tried to capture some of the spontaneous expressions and some of the unique personalities of each child.
“Wait for me!”
Every dad loves to get this look where your child is listening to you and giving you all their attention
Give a boy a stick and he is happy.
In case you thought that kids don’t get over things, from absolute despair to joy and happiness in seconds.
Things don’t always go your way especially as a young child.
It looks like that chip has really let her down, poor thing.
Four generations in one photo how special
It looks like the earth was spinning in the background but she certainly was happy.
Lily Rose having fun with the leaves.
“Mummy please throw some more leaves up into the air”
Kyle looking rather shy in front of the camera.
I love this photo for the serious expression on Jesse’s face.
Lily Rose trying to play hide and seek.
Children and grandchildren
Lily Rose playing monkey monkey in the tree.
Giving the not impressed with the cameraman look.
What joy to be a kid.
Dry leaves can create quite a distraction and also add a lot of fun to a shoot with kids.
Doug chasing the kids around and having a lot of fun with them. Kyle getting away.
Lily Rose with that beautiful smile.
“Run Kyle Run!”
Good times.
Not so good times.