Part two of our Transkei getaway.  Only one person could possibly have created such beauty and that is God.  We truly are thankful for his creation and his blessings.

Mdumbi Backpackers with the best view.

The mighty Mdumbi River looking very tranquil in the early morning light.

Amy after leaving her stick behind at the backpackers.

An early morning chill meets the warmer sea water as well as the offshore wind blowing the spray from the waves into the air.

The road to paradise.

Another warm sunrise over the hills.

Not sure what Tom and Masixole were up to.

The warm, afternoon light shining on the dry, red/brown grass.

Before I could tell Tom not to go down the hill he was gone and already on his way back up, I wish I had that energy.

Late afternoon after the sun had set with the swells still marching into the bay. A few surfers still out catching their last wave for the day.

Emily busy posing for Tom.

Tom trying to catch the seagulls that were swooping down and eating the fishermen’s bait.

An early morning angler trying to catch some Shad.

The strong offshore winds creating some magical effects with the spray from the waves.

This was a lot bigger than it looked and with a long stretch of jagged rocks on the inside just waiting to use your soft feet as a canvas it was quite intimidating.

Amy and Emily looking after Scarlett and Harper.

Tom and Masixole dicing their cars down the grass strip.

Amy and one of the many cute donkeys that came down to the point each day.

Mandy and Amy enjoying the moment at the lookout on the point.

Beautiful sunset number 6 out of 9 and from the comfort of the front door.

This was the last day and the day with the biggest swell. By the time Matt and I got down to the rocks ready to jump in, the swell and increased a lot and was breaking a lot further out than we had hoped.

One of the many classic days of perfect waves.

I love these trees and of course the sunrise.

I managed to drag the whole family out for one sunrise, and it was a beauty.

Off to do some kayaking on the Mdumbi river. The best part of the holiday is not driving anywhere and enjoying the walks to get everywhere as you take in a lot more when walking.

Our rides await.

This was such an amazing experience and something that you must do when in the area. Look up Mdumbi Kayaking for more info. Notshana(0838985231) is an awesome person and it is so exciting to see his business doing so well.

There are plenty of jellyfish in the middle of the river and the kids loved watching them. Apart from the awesome views we also sort fish jumping and lots of birds. We also got some good exercise.

The view up the Mdumbi River.

The warm, soft sand meets the blue sea and sky.

Emily and Amy waiting for the slow coaches to get up the hill.

Just before sunrise on Mdumbi Beach with not a soul in sight.

Waves rolling past the point as viewed from the car park.