The wind was trying its best to spin the Cape Wheel into a blur whilst Van Hunks was failing miserably to cover Table Mountain in a cloud of smoke. I on the other hand was loving capturing the early evening landscapes and city scapes around the V&A Waterfront. I lost track of time and thankfully came back to reality in time to capture the start of the speeches. But let’s start at the beginning of the day.
On Saturday the Table Bay Hotel hosted Natalie’s 21st Birthday Celebration and what an event it was. The day started with me photographing the ladies having their makeup done at Bobbi Brown’s. We all got chatting about how long I have been photographing the Erskine family and it turns out that I started when Natalie was 4 years old. Thankfully only Natalie has grown older unlike the rest of us who have remained perpetually young looking. I was impressed with the makeup artists who not only made everyone look stunning, they also made sure everyone remained on time. Once Natalie was dressed we headed off to get some photos with her siblings and followed by a creative shoot with just her. Before I started the day I asked the hotel what their stance was on photography in the hotel and surprisingly they said that we could use any area that we wished. Not many places allow that so we made use of some awesome backdrops in the hotel and apart from dodging guests we had no problem getting some outstanding images. Next on the agenda were the friend’s photos followed by more family snaps. The reception consisted of speeches, eating delicious food, group photos, cutting of the cake(and me eating a large slice), and most importantly mingling. It was a special time for all family and friends to get together to enjoy the evening and from what I gathered this was the priority for the event. A lot of 21st celebrations tend to get wild really early and the emphasis is on the party so this was a unique celebration and one which Natalie will remember forever. Thank you once again to the Erskine family, especially Rose, for the exceptional hospitality shown to Mandy and I and for trusting me to capture this special milestone in their lives. Until the next event…