I awoke around 3am to the sounds of birds chirping and nearly had a heart attack thinking that I had overslept.  We had being postponing this post wedding creative shoot for a couple of weeks due to the fowl weather that seemed to gather every weekend.  You know how the saying goes,” what follows 2 days of rain in Durban?……Monday”.  I had not missed my alarm so things were looking up.  I met the rest of the team at the office and we headed up the coast to meet Anand, who had not slept at all, and Sandika who had been getting ready since 12:30am.  That just sounds too ridiculous to comprehend.  After all that they were still bright and chirpy.  We arrived at the beach to find the beach had shrunk or the sea had been enlarged.  Not much space to work with especially when the water was rushing up almost to the grass bank.  As they say the show must go on so we made the best of it and worked around the sea.  I managed to get some great snaps whilst Matt captured some of the scenes on video and Geoff strapped a camera to a seagull to get it’s perspective.  After all the effort, red eyes and wet shorts it seemed to have paid off and we returned to the office happy with the shoot.  I did doze off a short while later though but nobody needs to know that.


To view more a family portrait shoot on the beach click here