Routes Asia is the only route development event dedicated to the Asia Pacific region.

Attracting senior decision makers from the region’s air service development community, Routes Asia provides the perfect platform to expand your connections and discuss route development opportunities.

Over three concentrated business days, 800 delegates took part in over 2,000 face-to-face meetings to discuss new and existing air services.

The event connected guests with the region’s leading airlines, airports and tourism authorities, enabling guests to build high-value relationships with some of the most influential aviation professionals from across the region.

“It is a great platform for Hainan Airlines’ network staff to meet airports and tourism authorities from around the world, especially from Asia.” Anderson Yang Senior Manager, Network Planning, Hainan Airlines

OD Media was there to cover the event with photography and videography capturing the registration, meetings, stands, awards ceremony, and formalities throughout the event.  Here are some images from the event.

To view the previous Routes event click here.

Routes Asia 2019 was held at the spectacular Waterfront Hotel in Cebu City

Registration is always quick and often involves lots of smiles and laughter as friends and colleagues meet up again.

Some exhibitor stands and entertainment provided by the AOT(Airports of Thailand) stand

Meetings don’t always have to be serious

The Waterfront Hotel and Conference Centre

The Networking Lunches are always busy and exciting as the delegates get to sample the cuisine of the host country.

The Welcome Reception was a great spectacle with some amazing performances to keep all the delegates entertained.

A view of the Welcome Reception including the stage and seating area.

There is always time to network with colleagues and potential clients.

The Philippine performances were full of passion.

One of the two halls that were used in the Waterfront Hotel conference venue

I really enjoy the Keynote Arena as there are some fascinating discussions that take place there. I unfortunately never have the time to stay very long as I need to be in at least 2 places at once.

Exhibition stands and Keynote Arena entrance

The Airline Meeting Halls are always full no matter what time of day it is.

The Routes Asia Marketing Awards held at the Radisson Blu in Cebu City.

Delegates enjoying the marketing awards evening

These three local performers were incredible.

All the winners from the evening in one big group. Very happy.

These young performers had amazing voices and impressed everyone.

The hand over ceremony. Routes Asia will be held in Thailand in 2020.