We once again had the privilege of covering this spectacular showjumping World Cup Qualifier event held at the Shongweni Club. This year however , due to the corona virus pandemic, we had to not only do daily video highlights but also live stream the main events. I am no expert or even novice when it comes to show jumping but these sportsmen and women are truly brave athletes as witnessed on numerous occasions when the horse out of nowhere suddenly decided that it would rather send the rider over the jump without it. And, those jumps were head high which to me looked extremely intimidating. The action was non stop and the tension mounted after each jump especially when the rider was approaching a clear round. The event was a huge success from our side and for everyone attending. Well done to all those who took part and to all those sponsors and organisers such as Aquelle; Foresyte Shows; Funnell Cars; Dunlop; Western Shoppe; Bradcor; Callaho; Scribante; Hillcrest Panelbeaters; Equestrian Affair; Delmon Mining & Civils; to name a few.

Here are some images capturing not only the action from the day but also our team at work as well as some sponsors and behind the scenes from this incredible event. For those thousands of viewers who watched online, thank you for the support.